速報APP / 遊戲 / Baby Training with PanPanPop!

Baby Training with PanPanPop!



檔案大小:457 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:日語, 英語

Baby Training with PanPanPop!(圖1)-速報App

PanPanPop! is a brain development app aimed to stimulate the reflexes and enhance the concentration of infants and toddlers.

Baby Training with PanPanPop!(圖2)-速報App

The rules are simple! Tap the circles until they pop and disappear from the screen. However, as you proceed, the circles begin to split at every tap, making the task more challenging.

Baby Training with PanPanPop!(圖3)-速報App

Following the random movements of colorful circles around the screen, both visually and physically, exercises hand-eye coordination skills of children, developing their reflexes and enhancing their concentration.

Baby Training with PanPanPop!(圖4)-速報App

The simplicity of the game allows children as young as babies to get hooked, and the addictive movements and music following every tap makes them repeat the same action over and over again. Also a great baby cry stopper for busy parents…

It can also be used as a color teaching app for older children, by giving each other instructions as “squish all the pink ones,” “now the blue ones” making the game all the more fun.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad